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    Whole Wheat
    Flat Bread
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    Whole Wheat
    Flat Bread
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3/4 cup lukewarm water
pinch of sugar
3/4 tsp dried yeast
2 cups whole-wheat flour
3/4 tsp salt

Recipe by Maisonté
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  • Flat Bread

Combine it.
Combine 1/4 cup lukewarm water, pinch of sugar and yeast.
Let sit for 8 minutes.
Yeast water will be foamy / bubble.
Then add 1/2 cup lukewarm water.


  • Flat Bread

Mix and Knead.
Mix together flour and salt in a bowl.
Add yeast water and stir.
Knead dough for 5 minutes on a lightly floured surface.
If dough is too sticky add more flour.
Knead until dough is smooth and elastic.


  • Flat Bread

Let it rise.
Shape dough into a ball.
Put dough in lightly oiled bowl and turn the dough ball to coat.
Cover bowl with plastic wrap.
Let dough rise for 1 1/2 hour or double in size in warm, draft free area.


  • Flat Bread

Shape them:
Punch down the dough and put onto a lightly floured surface.
Cut the dough into 6 pieces.
Shape each piece to a round ball.
Using roll pin to flat the ball to 9 inch diameter disk.


  • Flat Bread

Fry them:
Heat a large non stick frying pan over high heat.
Put one dough disk and fry it for about 3 minutes.
Flip it when the flat bread starts to bubble up.
It should have nice brown spots on each side.


  • Flat Bread

Serve them!
Serve them with any kind of meal. You can also use them as a wrap.
You can freeze the flat bread in an airtight ziplock up to a month.


Let's share.

Show me your Whole Wheat Flat Bread.
