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It will take 1-2 days to make tofu.

10 oz dry soy beans
8 cups water more for soaking
1 tbsp course nigari
1/2 cup waterwarm
1 tofu press or 2 identical plastic containers like from store bought mushrooms

Recipe by Maisonté
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  • tofu

Make a tofu press.
Take two identical plastic containers.
Make holes on the bottom of one, so the water can run off.
Line it with paper towel or kitchen towel.
Place it on a deep baking sheet.
The second plastic container will later be placed on the top.


  • tofu

Wash and soak:
Wash the soy beans very well.
Put soy bean into a large bowl and add 3 times more water.
Let soak for 18 hours.


  • tofu

Make a creamy paste.
Drain the soybeans.
Add 8 cups of fresh water.
Put soybeans into a blender.
Blending it to a creamy and smooth paste.


  • tofu

Boil it.
Place all into the large heavy pot.
Cook it over medium heat until boil, stir often.
Take all the foamy bubbles out from the top.
Simmer for 10 minutes.


  • tofu

Strain it.
Line a colander with cheese cloth and place over a large bowl.
Pour it slowly.

Twist the cheese cloth and squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
That liquid is soy milk.

The left over in the cheese cloth is called Okara (soy pulps).
Use it make some Soy Brownies.


  • tofu

Boil soy milk.
Pour soy milk into a large pot.
Heat it over medium heat until it reaches 160°F.
Keep this temperature till you put the nigari water into it.


  • tofu

Add nigari and stir.
Put 1 tbsp course nigari into a cup.
And add 1/2 cup of warm water to dilute it.

Pour nigari water into the soy milk.
Stir gently for 3 times.

Take off from the heat and leave it for 15 minutes.
It will form tofu curd.


  • tofu

Scoop it.
Scoop the tofu curd into prepared plastic container.
Keep adding it until full.


  • tofu

Press it.
Put an extra towel on top.
Place second plastic container on the top.
Press it by putting a weight, like a heavy cast iron pot on the top.
Let it sit for about 30 minutes.


  • tofu

Enjoy it.
Tofu is ready to eat.
You can store it in the refrigerator for a few days.


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Show me the Tofu you made.
