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For 2 servings:
3/4 cup whole-wheat flour + more for dusting
3/4 cup semolina flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 large or 3 small eggs
preferably from your own chickens

Recipe written by Maisonté
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  • fettuccine

Combine and knead.
Put whole-wheat flour, semolina, salt on the flat surface.
Make a well and put eggs in it.
Stir it with a folk.
When it comes together use your hand and knead it for 8 minutes.
If it’s sticky add some whole-wheat flour.


  • fettuccine

Let it rest.
Shape dough into a ball.
Cover it with plastic wrap.
Let dough rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.


  • fettuccine

Roll it.
Dust some whole-wheat flour over your working surface.
Take off the wrap and cut your dough into 6 pieces.
Dust some more whole-wheat flour over it.
Roll them to oval disks with a rolling pin.

Dusting whole-wheat flour is the key during the whole pasta making process, so your pasta does not stick together or stick to the pasta maker at any time.


  • fettuccine

Roll it with a pasta maker.
Set your pasta maker to the widest opening: level 1.
Roll each disk through it for 2 times.

Then fold them in half.
Roll each through again 2 times.
Dust them with whole-wheat flour.

Set your pasta maker to one smaller opening: level 2.
Roll each through 2 times.
Dust them with whole-wheat flour.

Then go down to level 3 and repeat as before.

Keep going till you are at the thinest opening: level 6


  • fettuccine

Fettuccine roller.
Roll them through the fettuccine roll of you pasta maker.
Hang the fettuccine over a stick, hanger or other.
They should not stick together.
When all fettuccine are done, start boiling the water.


  • fettuccine

Boil them.
Bring water and 1/4 tsp salt to boil.
Add your fettuccine.
Cook for 2-3 minutes.
Add good olive oil and give it a swirl.


  • fettuccine

Serve Whole-Wheat Fettuccine.
Serve with sage topping or serve it with your favorite sauce.

Sage topping:
Fry sage leaves and chopped garlic in butter.
When crispy put them on top of the pasta.
Add olive oil, parmesane cheese, salt and pepper.
Top it off with sage flowers, if they are in season.


Let's share.

Share the Whole-Wheat Fettuccine you made.
