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For 2 servings:
3.5 oz flour + more for dusting
3.5 oz semolina flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 large eggs preferably from your own chickens

For the filling:
1 cup ricotta cheese preferably homemade Recipe here

Recipe written by Maisonté
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  • tortellini

Combine and knead.
Put flour, semolina, salt on the flat surface.
Make a well and put eggs in it.
Stir it with a folk.
When it comes together use your hand and knead it for 8 minutes.
If it’s sticky add some flour.


  • tortellini

Let it rest.
Shape dough into a ball.
Cover it with plastic wrap.
Let dough rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Now is a good time to make your favorite sauce for the tortellini.


  • tortellini

Roll it.
Dust some flour over your working surface.
Take off the wrap and cut your dough into 4 pieces.
Dust some more flour over it.
Roll them to oval disks with a rolling pin.

Dusting flour is the key during the whole pasta making process, so your pasta does not stick together or stick to the pasta maker at any time.


  • tortellini

Roll it with a pasta maker.
Set your pasta maker to the widest opening: level 1.
Roll each disk through it for 2 times.

Then fold them in half.
Roll each through again 2 times.
Dust them with flour.

Set your pasta maker to one smaller opening: level 2.
Roll each through 2 times.
Dust them with flour.

Then go down to level 3 and repeat as before.

Keep going till you are at the thinest opening: level 5
You will have 4 long pasta sheets.

Cover them with a damp cloth so they do not dry out while shaping the tortellini.


  • tortellini

Fill and shape them.
Put one pasta sheet on a floured surface.
Cut it into 2”x 2” squares.
Keep the cut offs and boil them like pasta.

Add 1/4 tsp ricotta cheese in a middle.
Wet the edges of the dough with water or whey, which you have from the ricotta cheese making.
Fold it to make a triangle shape.
Press edges tightly together.
Wet one of the bottom corner.
Draw the two corners together.
Press press them tightly together.

Now you have tortellini.
Place them on a floured surface.


  • tortellini

Boil them.
Bring water and 1/4 tsp salt to boil.
Add your tortellini.
Cook for 5 minutes.
Add good olive oil and give it a swirl.


  • tortellini

Serve tortelllini.
Serve right away with your favorite sauce, like homemade tomato sauce. or a cream sauce.


Let's share.

Share the tortellini you made.
